Upcoming Events

OZBOR General Member Meeting
Ozarks Board of Directors would like to invite you to dinner. This meeting will include the presentation of Certificates to our Scholarship Recipients. We will also be presenting a slate for the 2025 Executive Board of Directors. Voting will take place at the Fall General Membership Meeting.
Mulligan’s at Silo Ridge
4551 Fairway Dr, Bolivar, MO 65613
PLEASE RSVP by replying to ozbor.mo.ae@gmail.com no later than June 21.
We look forward to seeing you there!

OZBOR General Member Meeting
Please join us Tuesday, September 26 at 6pm for our ANNUAL FALL PICNIC!
This year, we will be back at the dam pavilion at Pomme de Terre. This is always a great event! The board provides smoked meats for dinner, and everyone brings a side and/or dessert. We will also be holding our quarterly general membership meeting, complete with elections for the 2024 Executive Board elections!
REMEMBER! Your family is also invited and welcome!!
PLEASE RSVP by replying to ozbor.mo.ae@gmail.com no later than 9/15 so that we can make sure we have enough meat for everyone.
We look forward to seeing you there!